BANDAI NAMCO對(duì)話 × 超級ACG粉LIONE「晚櫻派對(duì)專訪特輯」
Hey~盆友們! 很高興能(néng)接受這(zhè)次采訪,能(néng)和各位聊天超級激動啊! 是的!我是一個超級動漫和遊戲迷!每當我做音樂或巡演之餘, 通常都(dōu)會(huì)看動漫和玩遊戲哈哈(o゚▽゚)o.
從我很年輕的時(shí)候開(kāi)始, 就(jiù)一直被(bèi)動漫和遊戲影響,并産生了很大興趣。上小學(xué)的時(shí)候, 像龍球 Z、數碼寶貝、機動戰士高達這(zhè)樣(yàng)的節目當時(shí)開(kāi)始在電視上播出, 我立刻就(jiù)愛上了。我還(hái)玩了很多遊戲,像Pokemon, 最終幻想, 梅加曼零号, 和RPGs。
直到現在每當我空的時(shí)候, 我還(hái)會(huì)經(jīng)常看一些動漫。當我覺得自己需要逃避一些事(shì)的時(shí)候, 我會(huì)毫不猶豫選擇RPGs和競技遊戲。
Hey guys, thanks for bringing me in to do the interview! Excited totalk to you guys!
Yes! I’m a huge huge anime and gaming culture fan! Whenever I’m notwriting music or touring, I’m usually watching anime and playing games haha.
I’ve always been influenced and interested in anime and games, eversince I was super young. When I was in elementary school, shows like DragonballZ, Digimon, and Gundam began airing on TV at the time, and I instantly fell inlove. I also played a lot of games such as Pokemon, Final Fantasy, MegamanZero, and a ton of RPGs.
I still regularly watch a ton of anime whenever I have time, and Iabsolutely love RPGs and competitive games whenever I feel like I need anescape from things.
Yeah I absolutely love J-POP. I listen to a ton of J-POP as well asJ-ROCK for inspiration, and they’re easily my most listened to genres alongwith electronic music.
ninelie Aimer;Chelly - ninelie
BANDAI NAMCO的産品我喜歡的太多了,對(duì)我來說(shuō)真的相當難選擇。我是敢達、我的英雄學(xué)院、JoJo的奇妙冒險、數碼寶貝、龍球Z等遊戲的超級粉絲, 所以這(zhè)個名單是龐大的哈哈! 話雖如此, 但我曾經(jīng)絕對(duì)喜歡打所有的龍珠:超宇宙和龍珠Z:武道(dào)會(huì)比賽。我也一直想玩龍珠格鬥Z, 因爲我真的很喜歡格鬥遊戲, 但我知道(dào)我每種(zhǒng)需要投入一段時(shí)間, 然後(hòu)再…哈哈!
我最近也打了,其實我真的很喜歡這(zhè)個遊戲。視覺特效和戰鬥動畫是真正的一流,改編動漫裡(lǐ)邊的角色都(dōu)超級準确, 這(zhè)一點我很喜歡,玩得很開(kāi)心!
I love a ton of the anime IPs that you guys at BANDAI NAMCO workwith so it’s pretty hard to choose. I’m a huge fan of Gundam, Boku No HeroAcademia, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Digimon, Dragonball Z, etc, so the list ishuge haha! That Being said I used to absolutely love playing all of theDragonball Z budokai and Xenoverse games. I’ve also been meaning to play DragonballFighterZ as I quite like fighting games, but would know I would need to devotea time to it before being any good haha!
I also recently played Jump Force and I actually really enjoyed thatgame. The visual FX and fight animations were really top notch, and thecharacters all felt super accurate to their anime adaptations which I loved. Ihad a blast playing it!
Yeah of course! As you can probably tell by now, I’m heavilyinspired by anime and games, so it’s only natural that the sounds and imagerywill make their way into my music and visual aesthetic and branding. Anime andgames have always been the mediums that have inspired me to want to create myown sounds and fantasy worlds, so I will definitely continue to pay homage tothem in my work! Bringing to life the images and sounds that I hear and see inmy head hoping it’ll inspire others the same way these games and anime haveinspired me is my ultimate goal.
Glimmer Heather Sommer;LIONE - Glimmer
Adore LIONE - Adore
Leave This Place LIONE - Leave This Place
Kids LIONE;Miranda Glory - Kids
當然想!!! ε==(づ′▽`)づ 萬代南夢宮已經(jīng)和一些我最喜歡的IP合作,創造了很多我超喜歡的遊戲、圖案和商品。如果有可能(néng)合作的話,對(duì)我來說(shuō)是一次絕對(duì)難忘的經(jīng)曆!
Yeah of course! You guys at BANDAI NAMCO have worked with some of myabsolute favorite anime franchises and created a ton of games andfigures/merchandise that I really really love, so it would definitely be anamazing experience for me if that ever became a possibility!
Thank you for the interview! It was super fun to be able to talkabout my passions outside of music and how they also intrinsically link andrelate to my music.To the Chinese fans: thank you all so much for your support over theyears! I’m super proud to be able to come back to China and finally perform foryou all! I’ll be playing at the Shanghai BANDAI NAMCO Shanghai Base – DreamHall on May 1st, as well as Wuxi, Tianjin, and Chongqing from May 2nd to the4th! I hope to see you all there and I can’t wait! 謝謝你們!